Hiking with Your Dog

When hiking alone or with friends, the Boy Scout motto “be prepared” could not be more relevant. In the wilderness, anything can potentially go wrong - from unexpected injuries to severe changes in weather conditions. For those who like to hike with their dogs, planning ahead and being is a necessity. Whether you are a day hiker, or a multi-day, extreme terrain hiker, here are some guidelines to help make hiking with your dog safe and enjoyable. 1. Health and Stamina: Prior to deciding to hike with your dog it is important to consider his ability to handle physical exertion....
Summer Wild Bird Feeding and Care Tips

Summer is a delightful season filled with the sights and sounds of nature at its most vibrant. Among the many joys of summer is the presence of wild birds, adding beauty and music to our gardens and outdoor spaces. Providing care and nourishment to these feathered visitors can be a rewarding experience. In this blog, we’ll explore essential tips for summer wild bird feeding and care to ensure they thrive during the warmer months. 1. Choose the Right Bird Feeders: Types of Feeders: Tube Feeders: Ideal for small seed mixes and attracting a variety of birds like finches, chickadees, and...
Conditioning Your Horse: 5 Types of Fitness

Spring is officially here and you’ve probably got a season full of shows, races, trail rides, and more planned for you and your horse. But before you put your horse back to work, take a minute to think about the importance of conditioning. Conditioning is a huge part of your horse’s health and well being. Taking time to prepare for an event by gradually increasing speed and distance over several weeks is essential to keeping your horse healthy and safe. Conditioning directly relates to five types of fitness in the horse: Cardiovascular fitness refers to how well the blood can circulate...
Using Nutrition to Manage Horses with Gastric Ulcers

A horse owner recently contacted us about changing her horse’s diet. She stated that they are ¾ of the way through show season and he is just “off his game”. It seems that the horse was showing a lack of appetite and not finishing his grain. In addition, his disposition became rather grumpy and his performance level was suffering. In addition, a few times he had shown signs of mild colic over the past two months. We suggested the owner contact her veterinarian, as it sounded like the horse may have an ulcer. The percentage of horses with ulcers continues...
Summer Grazing: Maximizing Pasture Health for Livestock

As the sun rises higher in the summer sky and pastures burst into lush greenery, farmers and ranchers are presented with a prime opportunity to optimize grazing conditions for their livestock. Maximizing pasture health during the summer months not only ensures ample nutrition for your animals but also contributes to the sustainability of your operation. In this blog, we'll delve into essential tips for summer grazing, guiding you towards achieving optimal pasture health and maximizing the well-being of your livestock. 1. Rotational Grazing: Implement rotational grazing practices to prevent overgrazing and promote regrowth. Divide pastures into smaller paddocks and rotate...